How To Protect Your Teeth With Scaling And Root Planing

Scaling and root planing is a treatment that protects your teeth and gums from diseases such as periodontitis. The cause of this disease is the hard deposits of tartar on your tooth. This procedure helps removes the deposits from your teeth and gums.

A regular dental visit is necessary if protecting your teeth and gums from diseases is your priority. However, for many reasons most patients are unable to maintain regular dental checkup which worsens the spread of bacteria and plaque on your teeth. Dental services in London Ontario recommends the use of conventional periodontal therapy to avoid the disease from worsening.

Reasons why your need scaling and root planing

Your dentist always recommends that you get your teeth cleaned every 6 months. This helps you ensure that you are on top of your oral health. Scaling and root planing is a necessary step to remove hard deposits of plaque also called calculus. This is a non-surgical procedure that aims to prevent gum diseases. An advanced periodontitis can cause gum recession and it will be costly for you to fix it. Your dentist is the best person to provide you with tips that you can add to your oral hygiene.

Severe cases of gum diseases need conventional periodontal therapy. It eliminates the existence of bacterial film and tartar around your teeth and gums. The procedure may take at least one or two appointments.

How are scaling and root planing done?

Sometimes patients are unable to maintain the recommended frequency of dental checkups. Oftentimes when an extended time has gone between cleanings a more advanced cleaning may be recommended by your dentist. Harmful bacteria and hard tartar deposits called calculus to build up on your teeth above and below your gum line. It releases toxins which cause gum disease. This is also known as periodontitis. The buildup of tartar can occurs in areas which are hard regular brushing, flossing and even a regular dental cleaning to remove.

How To Protect Your Teeth With Scaling And Root Planing-2
If periodontitis progresses, it can lead to increased inflammation, bleeding, and receding gums and bone tissue. Your periodontist can recommend the procedure called scaling and root planing to remove these deposits from your teeth. This treatment is a specialized procedure that removes excessive calculus and bacterial deposits beneath the gum line. It is usually performed with a hand scaler and an ultrasonic cleaner which uses high-frequency vibration to separate the calculus from the tooth. This procedure is for advanced periodontitis.

Is scaling and root planing a one-time treatment?

In some situation, the disease can be so extensive that the treatment needs to be done in several appointments. Conventional periodontal therapy requires as many appointments to ensure that you are as comfortable as possible during the procedure.  

By removing the deposits and bacteria, this procedure prevents the spread of periodontitis. Your orthodontist will help you determine the next steps for continued rehabilitation of your gum tissue. If these symptoms are not treated appropriately, the progression can lead to teeth and bone loss. This will require you with costly and painful reconstructive treatment.

How should you know if you need this treatment?

If you are experiencing gum bleeding and inflammation. it is recommended to visit your local dental clinic for evaluation of your oral health. These are early symptoms that you might have periodontitis. As they say, prevention is better than cure. So, if you are concerned about your gum health and wants to avoid having diseases altogether, a regular dental check-up is encouraged by your dentist. This will help you not only save expenses but also stay healthy.

To know more about gum diseases and treatments to fix it, book an appointment with your local dentist today.

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