What Are The Ways To Resolve Periodontitis?

Dentists refer periodontitis to a gum disease that comes from bacteria buildup in the teeth of the patient. When left untreated, this leads to serious dental health issues such as teeth loss and bone damage. However, when patients consult their dentists for treatment at an early phase, this prevents gum disease. This should also go along with maintaining and following a rigid dental routine.


Both bad and good bacteria exist in patients, especially in their mouths. When patients begin to neglect their daily dental routine, that begins the plaque buildup which results to gum disease. The following are the other causes of gum disease:

  • When women undergo hormonal changes especially during pregnancy, puberty, menopause, these cause gums to be more sensitive. Hence, resulting to susceptibility to gingivitis. Some patients still worry of the scaling and root planing risks. However, consulting their dentist beforehand will help to ease their anxiety.
  • Certain illnesses such as cancer, diabetes, or autoimmune diseases that affect the bodies’ immune system. This gives the body a hard time protecting itself from risks and bacteria.
  • Some medications cause periodontitis to patients as it affects the salivary glands of the patients. Saliva protects the teeth and gums as it prevents plaque buildup in the teeth and gums due to its acidity. Along with proper dental hygiene, it helps strengthen teeth and prevent dental diseases due to its calcium content.
  • Smoking hinder regeneration among the gum tissues.
  • Hereditary diseases contribute to acquisition of gum diseases.

According to dentists, scaling and root planing risks are controllable. They need to perform this procedure to their patient to remove hardened plaque and prevent tartar buildup.

Signs and symptoms

Periodontal disease progresses in a subtle and painless manner giving a few visible symptoms. This goes on even in the later stages of the diseases. Dentists say that symptoms of gum diseases appear subtle which prompts patients to be more vigilant about their dental health.

The following are signs and symptoms of gum disease:

  • Bleeding gums after brushing and flossing the teeth
  • Halitosis
  • Unusual sense of taste
  • Teeth movement
  • Shrinking or receding gums
  • Inflamed, red, swollen gums
  • Tingling sensation when chewing
  • Teeth loss
  • Forming of deep pockets in the teeth and gums where plaque and tartar build up

Oftenly, the dentist notices how the periodontitis is progressing and tells the patients which one are they experiencing.

Treating periodontitis

Treatment for gum disease begins with removing the plaque and tartar buildup that lodged in the gum pockets, in between the teeth and gums.

Dental routine

Your dentist reminds you to follow every step of your dental routine. Starting from brushing your teeth up to flossing, your dentist gives you the best tips on how to do it properly and incorporate a mouthwash gargle as well.

Other tips include:

  • Using a fluoride toothpaste when brushing your teeth.
  • Try using an electric toothbrush
  • Floss your teeth after brushing your teeth, daily.
  • Go to your dentist for an oral prophylaxis at least twice a year.
  • Refrain from chewing tobacco or smoking cigarettes.

Taking antibiotics

Some instances, your dentist prescribe antibiotics to aid in prevention and eradication of these gum diseases. When the gums swell, your dentist recommends using a mouthwash gargle, gel or ointment, oral medication like tablet or capsule.

Scaling and root planing

Scaling and root planing refers to a thorough cleaning non-surgical procedure that removes plaque and calculus below the gum line. Dentists use specialized tools to scrape and smoothen the gums and get rid of the bacteria. Some patients with low pain tolerance or high sensitivity, receive local anesthesia. Their dentists administer this to help ease the pain throughout the procedure. This results to a cleaner surface for the teeth which allows easier reattachment of gums.

However, there are scaling and root planing risks that patients must know of. Some of the risks include:

  • Reaction to the local anesthesia administered or medication
  • Bleeding, pain, swelling after the procedure
  • Heightened sensitivity to temperature – hot and cold food and beverage

Resolving periodontal disease involves consulting a dental clinic near you.

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