Understanding The Types Of A Tooth Extraction Procedure

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that removes a badly decayed, damaged and injured tooth. Typically, this is the last resort for most dentists as saving your teeth is their main priority. Root canal therapy, dental crowns and veneers are some of the treatments that are available to save your tooth from extraction. However, in cases of severe damage and impacted wisdom tooth, an extraction is necessary. This relieves the pain and avoids the spread of infection. It’s not the most recommended solution, however, your dentist will still have to perform it as it may cause unwanted discomfort.

Why is tooth extraction necessary?

Most patients experience the eruption of their wisdom tooth in their early twenties. It is the hindmost molars that usually erupt during adulthood. However, there are instances where it causes pain, discomfort and even disrupt the straight alignment of your teeth. This is the reason why wisdom tooth extraction is necessary to avoid the consequences of an impacted wisdom tooth. Here are other reasons why a tooth extraction in London, Ontario is necessary:

  • The baby teeth are still in pristine condition and hinder the permanent teeth from growing.
  • Orthodontic patients who need to wear braces for teeth alignment  may need to undergo a tooth extraction procedure first. The orthodontist needs to perform this pretreatment in order to achieve proper alignment. This is known as teeth overcrowding and this can hinder and prolong the adjustment period to achieve that straight smile.

dental xray

Tooth extraction preparation

As an initial step in this procedure, your dentist will take a dental X-ray of the area where the extraction is necessary. This is the best way to have a visual on your tooth’s root. An evaluation will also be taken to know your medical and health history. This will help your dentist know which prescriptions to provide you after the procedure.

Moreover, if you need to have your wisdom tooth removed, a panoramic dental X-ray will be taken. This will take a picture of all your teeth at once. It will help your dentist check several things and guide him in performing the extraction. Also, he needs to administer sedatives to ensure that you don’t feel any discomfort while you’re undergoing a wisdom tooth extraction.

Two types of tooth extraction

Simple extraction

Your dentist performs a simple tooth removal when the diseased tooth is visible in the mouth, or has fully erupted. Majority of dentists do this using their dental tools to loosen and remove the tooth. They would give a local anesthetic to the patient prior to the procedure to numb the extraction site and avoid any form of discomfort. Generally, a simple tooth extraction procedure takes about 35 minutes per tooth. If there’s an additional tooth that needs extraction, add 15 minutes for each tooth.

Surgical extraction

A surgical extraction is rather more complex because the tooth is below the gum line area or is broken. This type of extraction is common for patients with an impacted wisdom tooth. Dentists administers IV or Intravenous sedation to prevent any discomfort and lead the patient to fully cooperate.  In some cases, patients with low pain tolerance may be under general anesthesia.

Knowing these types of extraction procedures assures you that your dentist’s got you covered. When the tooth is completely removed, tooth extraction aftercare is as important to ensure a fast recovery. Follow up check-ups will be necessary, especially if you’ve had a wisdom tooth extraction. This is to make sure that you are healing properly, and that your teeth alignment are not affected in anyway. See your local dentist today and discuss if an extraction is what you need to resolve your dental pain.

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