Impacted Wisdom Tooth Extraction: Is It Necessary?
Wisdom tooth extraction is an unpopular choice for dentists when it comes to giving dental solutions. However, it becomes necessary when a patient has an impacted third molar. Wisdom teeth, also known as third molars, are permanent teeth that come out last between the age of 17 to 25. An impacted wisdom tooth means that […]
Understanding The Types Of A Tooth Extraction Procedure
Tooth extraction is a dental procedure that removes a badly decayed, damaged and injured tooth. Typically, this is the last resort for most dentists as saving your teeth is their main priority. Root canal therapy, dental crowns and veneers are some of the treatments that are available to save your tooth from extraction. However, in […]
Restore Your Confident Smile With Dental Implants
Many patients suffer from tooth loss due to decay, damage or injuries. Oftentimes, dentures are the go-to solution that most patients think about when they want a replacement for their missing tooth. Although it is a quick fix to replace a missing tooth, dentures are removable and non-permanent. It’s good to know that dental implants […]
Tooth Extraction Aftercare: Why Is It Important?
Your permanent teeth are supposed to last a lifetime. However, there are unavoidable cases where removal would be necessary. The most common reason for a tooth extraction is the damage caused by decay. Although your dentist puts a high priority in saving your teeth, severe deterioration will immediately require an extraction. A severely damaged tooth […]
Having A Tooth Extraction For The First Time
Tooth extraction is not really something that you look forward to. You would rather have your tooth come off on its own instead of having it pulled out. Kids tend to look forward to the visit of the tooth fairy as opposed to the dentist. A wisdom tooth extraction is not really a happy picture […]