Spot Failing Dental Implants Signs And Avoid Complications

Dental implants are tooth restoration options that are quite in demand due to its durability and function. These metal posts look like tiny screws that dentists insert in the missing tooth’s gums and bones. To fulfill its purpose, it must fuse with the patient’s tissues in a process they call osseointegration. Once it succeeds with the integration, the post will serve as a new tooth root for the replacement bite. 

What causes failing dental implants?

Although titanium dental implants are effective dental restorative alternatives, some factors may lead to its failure. If you just had your implants, you need to regularly see your dentist and observe proper oral care. Furthermore, do not wait for these problems to interrupt your treatment and give you complications. 

Gum disease. Simple gingivitis is normal, however, you shouldn’t take it lightly if your dental implants are still healing at the same time. Untreated gingivitis might lead to serious gum disease that affects osseointegration.

Bruxism. Bruxism is a health condition where a patient grinds his teeth, usually when he’s sleeping. Since the patient is unconscious during this occurrence, it’s hard to manage it and prevent damaging the healing implants. To avoid this, consult your dentist if you have bruxism symptoms.

Bone diseases. If you have illnesses that affect your bones, like osteoporosis, there’s a greater chance that your titanium dental implants will fail. These diseases weaken your bone strength and density. 

Radiation. If you’re undergoing radiation therapies such as cancer treatments, it will also affect your healing implants. Although radiation is used in treatments, it hinders bone recuperation. 

Smoking. Smoking tobacco is a leading cause of most dental implants failure. It’s a known fact that smoke could negatively affect or compromise a healing wound. You have to stop smoking until your implants are completely healed or do it for good. 

Symptoms of failed dental implants

Here are the signs that you need to look out for possible failing implants: 

  • Wobbly or loose. If your body didn’t successfully fuse with the tooth implants, it will still be wobbly after a few weeks. It moves whenever you chew or speak and that’s already a bad indication about your titanium dental implants. 
  • Pain and swelling. The associating pain and swelling are normal after the operation. However, if after a couple of weeks both lingers or recurs, there’s already a sign of a developing infection.

Make sure that you follow the instructions of your London dentist in taking care of your new implants. That’s one guaranty to succeed in achieving your brand new smile. 

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