Do Root Canals Hurt?

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Most often, patients neglect the cavities forming in their teeth and decide to see their dentist when they experience severe tooth pain. In this case, most dentists recommend root canal therapy as treatment so the patients avoid tooth loss.

The dentist in London Ontario offers root canal therapy to his patients to treat tooth decay and prevent tooth infection. There are severe dental cases when the tooth’s nerve dies out or is inflamed, which requires extensive cleaning.

However, a patient would normally be anxious and ask themselves, “do root canals hurt?”

Root Canal Procedure

The dentist begins by creating a tiny on the tooth enamel and the pulp to gain access to the infected/inflamed nerve. The infected tooth pulp or the root is taken out and cleaned before putting it back to the tooth. The hole on the tooth is then sealed using a dental filling.

The patient remains numb during the entire procedure with sedation dentistry and local anesthesia given. Most of the time, patients are sedated to be in a dream-like state during the root canal procedure to avoid any feeling of discomfort. The patient may experience soreness in the root canal area however it is just a part of the healing process. The dentist in London Ontario prescribes pain relievers to ease the patient’s discomfort.

What is done after root canal therapy?

After the therapy, the dentist needs to put a dental filling or crown on top of the damaged tooth. This will complete the treatment plan so that the tooth is covered and protected.   

Do root canals hurt?

Your dentist uses sedation and local anesthesia for a painless root canal therapy. The pain you have to endure when tooth decay strikes becomes worse if the roots of the tooth is not treated. It can become severe, causing abscess or infection to spread in your mouth. Do not hesitate to seek the help of your dentist in London Ontario for root canal treatments.

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