Why Do You Need Root Planing?

One of the most common treatments for gum disease is root planing. London, Ontario, patients receive root planing when gum disease is in its earliest stages to stop the condition developing further. What exactly is root planing and how does it help?

Why Is Root Planing Necessary?

A regular cleaning removes most of the plaque from your teeth. However, if you have gum disease, your gums become inflamed. This leads to spaces between the gums and teeth called pockets. Plaque has another place to build up in these pockets — and it’s impossible to remove with brushing alone. You need scaling and root planing.

Root planing is carried out after scaling. The scaling part of the treatment removes plaque and tartar from below the gum line. After this, your dentist needs to reduce the size of the pockets. This happens through root planing.

What Does Scaling and Root Planing Involve?

Scaling is much like a regular cleaning, except you may receive a local anesthetic if your gums are sore. Once your teeth are completely clean, root planing can begin. Your dentist will smooth your teeth down to the roots. This prevents plaque from having a place to accumulate. With your teeth smooth, your gums are able to reattach to your teeth and the pockets are gone.

You may need to return to your clinic to receive subsequent cleanings to remove all the plaque. In addition, your dentist may prescribe an antimicrobial mouthwash or antibiotic to avoid infection and speed up healing time.

The best dentists in London offer root planing as soon as they detect any sign of gum disease. This prevents the need for more extensive treatment and could save you from losing a tooth. If you have symptoms like bleeding or swollen gums, bad breath, sensitivity, or loose teeth, book an appointment.



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